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UPDATE! Owen County, Ky Jane Doe Case

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

March 31, 2022

In February of 2022, the Kentucky State Police made the decision to take advantage of the latest in DNA technology to identify a woman discovered in 1988 on a farm in Owen County, Kentucky. They chose Othram, a company that has a tremendous track record in identifying John and Jane Does, for this process. Unfortunately, the Kentucky State Police had no budget for the testing. To remedy this, a crowdfunding campaign was created to obtain funding.

Earlier this week I interviewed Dr. Kristen Mittelman, Chief Business Development Officer of Othram, about the company and the specific technology they employ to give victims their name and their story back. The Othram methodology and the science involved is much different than the traditional process most often utilized by law enforcement. Their success rate is much higher than traditional methods and the process does not consume the DNA sample. This is important as it leaves viable material available for later testing if needed.

I had intended to post an update and promote the fundraising efforts for the Owen County Jane Doe DNA testing but before I could even write the update, the project was fully funded! According to Dr. Mittelman, the process can take up to 12 weeks but can be completed sooner. Bottomline, we are about 3 months out from this victim having her name and her story back!

In the meantime, please check out these other victims from all over the country that are need of funding to get their name and their story back. Most people will never have the chance to actively work a cold case and provide answers for the victim and their families. These efforts and this website lets you do exactly that. Your donation can literally provide the information needed to solve a cold case mystery, identify the victim, and potentially even the perpetrator. You can find all of the open cases here at

You can visit Othram's website here to read about some of their latest successes and to get more information on their process.

Stay tuned for updates!! I am so very much looking forward to being able to announce the identity of the Owen County Jane Doe!

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Anthony Vanbuskirk
Anthony Vanbuskirk
Sep 18, 2023

I pray my deepest prayers for this lady and her family I am thankful a name has been brought to this angel and now I pray since confirmation of identity that the lord continues to work on this case and produces answers of what happend to this unfortunate angel and ultimately JUSTICE for your family you and your family will be in my prayers daily to God until the end resolution and answers are found. I believe it will all in his due time god is great in his small but abundant victories praying for ur family mam and my condolences 🙏🙏🙏


Anthony Vanbuskirk
Anthony Vanbuskirk
Sep 18, 2023

Thank u God for answers to one of these majestic angels faces to a name being brought to them to be seen again now we pray for answers for justice and resolution for this angels family all in ur due time thank u Lord for these victories of small steps that make giant leaps towards resolutions bring whoever committed this haneus and vicious cruel crime to light and justice in a court of law and in the end of time to walk in front of u father and answer and recieve punishment for this life they snuffed out so fast and coldy and have walked with on there concious for all these years where they cannot hide beyond a cloak…


Anthony Vanbuskirk
Anthony Vanbuskirk
Sep 18, 2023



Sarah Jacobs
Sarah Jacobs
Dec 27, 2022

The Owens County Jane Doe has been identified as Linda Bennett from Columbus, OH. As family of Linda, we would like to thank you for your post and your effort to bring attention to her case. If It wasn't for people like you keeping her story alive and the DNA testing services provided by Othram, we would probably never have gotten answers.

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